
I am inspired by abstract artists and surrealists such as Pablo Picasso, MC Escher, Salvador Dali and even the modern day designer Marian Bantjes. Back in the late 90's I became aware of a style of artwork called "Tribal" that was becoming popular in Tattoo culture. I really liked it and since I was already the artistic type I decided to try my hand at creating it. While I was trying to mimic Tribal art I would get bored and just begin to draw in an almost meditative state. Whatever It was, I stumbled upon something I really enjoyed doing. The direction my art would take unraveled itself as I created it. I was really enjoying taking an expressive approach to drawing and weaving lines throughout my pieces.

These days I begin my work by creating a simple recognizable image to inform the flow of the piece and then weave lines and color throughout to abstract it. Most of the subject matter of my work is focused on primal activities. For example, Natural Defense Mechanism was created around the idea of an Arctic Hare camouflaging itself from a predator. Safari Sighting was created around the idea of an Alligator launching out of the water to snap at it's meal from an Alligator Trap.

I love working in this style and I learn and develop it further every time I put ink to paper. I am also influenced by principles of design such as continuation, form, contrast and negative space. Rorschach Tests and Psychological studies that show us that all humans have a tendency to make sense out of images that would otherwise have no rhyme or reason play a huge role in the development of my style as well. I would classify myself as an Abstract Expressionist.

I hope you enjoy my work and if you have interest in having me work on a commissioned piece for you, please send me me a message!